
Andijan Sights, Andijan tour, city tour in Andizhan в Андижане

In Asian culture a guest has always been admired and respected and therefore treaded with special affection. For our guests, there is an offer to have a tour in the cities of Fergana Valley, an Uzbekistan gem. Andizhan is an Eastern most populated city in the Valley. A name of Zahiraddin Mohammad Babur is strongly connected to the city. Being the great grandson of Amir Temur (Tamerlane), the last of Timurid dynasty, Babur found a new dynasty of the Great Moguls and established his state occupying a considerable part of India.
Upon your arrival to Andizhan we will surely walk in the green suburban park and visit a unique craftsmen center that is specialized into creation of the traditional puppets (above practicing numerous of other crafts).

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